Birds are singing, plants are waking up, worms are abundant in our soil. It's really time to get growing.
We're filling up the greenhouse, and starting to harden off some of our earliest seeded trays to put out in the field under row cover. Maybe we'll have early greens and peas this year, in contrast to last year's late start.
Adam has even been able to get out in the field to start tilling and amending more sections, in preparation for our first planting later this week. Meanwhile, we continue to make progress on our other infrastructure.
Ultimately, life goes on. We are still committed to growing the food, and getting it to the mouths, in a safe way for everyone during the coronavirus pandemic. I'm in the process of putting together an online store, so that you can purchase for pickup/delivery and prepay more easily - planning to have that up and running before we return to Ottawa Street Market on April 18th. This year will be an administrative challenge, for sure! But everyone who is providing essential services has been required to do their best and adapt to the rapidly changing climate right now.
On that note, we would like to offer a discount on all of our products to front-line workers in the form of a % discount on custom orders or a $ discount on CSA share. If you've signed up for the CSA and would like to have this discount applied, please let us know what you do for work and we will apply your discount to your next payment(s) or give you a credit if you have paid in full. Thank you to all of our front-line workers who are maintaining the health of our society!
And now, a teaser for market in a few weeks - because why have a greenhouse if you can't eat fresh greens? Plus, tomato babies, so small!
Thanks for all your support, and stay well during this turbulent time.
- Nica